Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Should Take the Bus

Someone should totally revoke my driver's license. I'll be the first to admit that I'm such an aggressive driver. It's usually on my slow days at work that I'm quick-to-flame on the roads... don't know why. I would totally have no problem with someone driving me to work... I'd take public transportation if it was available... no matter how long it'd cost me each day.

I remember that week-long visit to my Godma's in Seattle. She'd have her music philosophy college courses to teach, so each morning I would walk down the street to the bus stop and take it into the city... and it was cool too because they had Hills (talkin' about some that make you wonder how anyone leaves the house when it snows). It'd be an hour in and another hour back, with multiple transfers. It was just really fun. I could listen to music, read a book, write down my thoughts, watch the other people in the bus, or I could spend forever just looking out the window. It was at my comfort level as far as social interactions go; it was very relaxing. And reliable too... no feeling of being "kid-hostage".

Anyways, I'm getting too nostalgic. Oh gosh, it was so nice also for the fact that it was a friggin' Week-Long vacation. That's me in couple of weeks, visiting my older sister in Baltimore... not so much public-transportation as being driven around by my sister; and it's not so much exploring, just going to the city once or twice for a festival or to work out, and the rest of the time it's just us hanging out at home watching stuff on her tivo and playing dominoes. Also, it's about playing uncle to my nephews, the bulldogs (and the cool thing is that if I don't want to play with them, I can go to my room and close the door on them without feeling guilty... they don't hold grudges). I love those guys.

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