Tuesday, September 05, 2006

11 1/2 Hours

I should have run tonight.

Instead, I watched Big Brother, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Rock Star: Supernova, ffwd-ed through Who Wants To Be A Superhero, and a couple other shows that I can't remember even though it was less than an hour ago.

TV is totally frying my mind.

I watched the entire first season of Prison Break during my visit to my sister's in Baltimore, and now I have the need to watch yesterday's episode tonight online.

Papers strewn throughout the house, important documents to sort shoved into a cubbyhole, and a couple loads of laundry... on top of letters/emails to write and planning for the fast-approaching two-day weekend...

I spent 11 1/2 hours at work today. By the end of it, I was light-headed and literally shaking. It was actually a pretty good day at work, so I'll have to attribute my crack-symptoms to uneven amounts of sleep/passings-outs, ADHD chemical imbalances, and the ingestion of Hazelnut-flavored Splenda coffee sugar.

Oh god, I really should have run tonight.

I didn't eat dinner. A Chunky Soup doesn't count. That's not food.

The need for nourishment couldn't overcome the lackluster prospect of a return to bachelor-food. Come on, I just got back from a week-long visit to my sister's...

We're past the "let's go sight-seeing" stage, so now when I fly up there, it's more about spending time with the dogs. For "fun", I'd love a trip to the supermarket. I let myself splurge on "fancy foods" (i.e. hummus) and bags upon bags of chips -- at least one bag of tortillas (w/salsa and the aforementioned hummus) and one bag of kettle-cooked chips (jalepeno-flavored).

So, who needs to go sight-seeing or calling friends in the area, when you have dogs, tivo, and exotic supermarkets (check out my fotki site, and you'll find a few pictures of a Wegman's shopping cart. Seriously, I'm weird). It's great to have enthusiastic friends.

As for substinence in Melbourne, I may hit rock bottom tomorrow and get a $5 pizza from Little Caesar's. Somebody shoot me now.

In other news, today I found out that one of my crushes is, in fact, married. *shrug*. I don't do anything about anything anyways. I just can't (don't want to) start until I get my documents sorted, laundry washed, and weekly mileage over 10. And to think that in three (short) months, I'll be running 39.3 miles in two days. I'm hurting already. It's at Disney though. Nothing hurts at Disney.

Yeah, so many (probably unfounded) sources of obligation... I admire those people who can juggle a blogspot, a fotki, and a myspace, and all the while stay sane and connected. But we've gotta just keep our nose to the grindstone and keep at it, keep at it.

"Then I see you standing there,
Wanting more from me,
And all I can do is

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