Wednesday, September 13, 2006

JOURNAL: Positive Reinforcement

Yeah, call me needy. I'm just feeling devoid of human interaction. I went to running camp last night, but I fear that it won't be until tomorrow night's practice that I get some interpersonal feedback. The people at the running club meeting compliment my write up of meeting minutes. I'm not very graceful in accepting compliments though so I have mixed feelings about specific recognitions.

The feeling of isolation at work is painful, absolutely painful, but I need to stop being a princess and just put in the friggin' hours. After reading up on Nofo's job cuts, I really should be thankful that I have a job. I have no gauge of my job security based on my friend's surprise.

There's not going to be much free time tonight -> if daylight, mow lawn; if well-fed, go run; if motivated, write up running club minutes; regardless, watching project runway. And more leftovers, which means there would be no cheap thrills gained from taking pictures of dinner tonight.

Oh well, back on my head.

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