Wednesday, September 13, 2006

RUN: ~4 miles @ 40:42

Tonight I'm blogging naked because I just got back from running and I can't take a shower because my body's sweating for the next hour and I don't want to get a diaper rash from sitting in sweaty shorts. That said...

Today, I worked late, caught up on time, came home, MySpace-d for an hour, then headed out for my "marathon-paced" run. Yeah, I took walk-breaks. At least I got out there (and hey, I'm running tomorrow).

Tonight, I ran sans mp3 player because I didn't have time to load my new selections (would've loved the Acoustic Hey Ya [link]), and I wanted to see if I could clear my head.

The topic of the day (and the week so far) has been work. Not sure if I'm enjoying it, feeling all sorts of things: frustrated, thankful, tired, hopeful, trodded by corporate politics, blessed by others' empathy...

All the thinking and no resolution. Tomorrow's our virtual-Friday, and hopefully the week will end with some sort of sense of accomplishment/closure, then we'll start it all over again next Monday.

Anyways, that's about it for now. I'm looking forward to a shower, Project Runway, dinner, and a beer. G'night.

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