Wednesday, March 28, 2007

JOURNAL: Two monitors are better than one.

After work, I came home and hooked up one of my extra monitors to the extra video ports on my computer via a DVI-to-VGA video adaptor I had bought a few weeks ago. I rebooted the system and boom, I had dual-monitors... one working and one not. Long story short: after some fiddling around with the configuration, I disconnected the adaptor, unbent four (totally pushed-down) pins, reconnected the adaptor, re-restarted the computer, and ta-da, now I'm a man with twice as much desktop space.

As I type, I have Brothers and Sisters playing on monitor two. Yum. I'm officially done with watching all of the episodes, and enjoying the second time just as much as the first.

But I've just woke up from a four-hour nap, so I'm kind of up and eager to get something/anything/something done. I'm thinking cats and laundry... not together. Same time... but not together. Or I can just check up on them in the morning, way early before work... that'd probably be smarter, as it was suggested by someone who's pretty wise... pretty and wise... together.

Anyways, sounds like a plan... a simple one... stay home, pack, goto bed. :)

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