Sunday, April 29, 2007

EVENT: Melbourne Art Festival

Today I went to the Melbourne Art Festival to help with the Patron Registration table, and it was something I've done for the past couple years. This year, it was particularly fun and encouraging.

The people that I worked with were great. Everyone at the tent pretty much worked at Harris (and the one non-Harrisite there was recruited by one).

I sort of nudged my foot back in the closet this afternoon when the not-unattractive-other-guy-working-the-tent asked me what type of girls I was into...


I was caught off guard. I don't remember what I said but it was generic and non-gender specific. Later, the older lady at the table (the non-Harrisite) mentioned how she caught me checking out some ladies that were passing by (I was only wondering if they were the NUOGWTT's type.) Dah.

I guess that I'm amazed by the fact that I still "pass".


Having been called "too gay" by some friend in Orlando, I've been going about thinking that I'm pretty darn obvious, but I guess in a more conservative setting... it's been a while since I've had to imagine that perspective.

I didn't clarify the point because 1) it was early in the shift and 2) if I did bring up the point that I was gay, I was afraid that it'd open up the flood gates of my overwhelming gayness... and I didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

It's really a non-issue but a slight reality check for me. I figured that I did the right thing by not "playing it up", but to appease the "to-be-truthful" side of me, tonight when I sent out emails with attached festival photos, I also sent out links to my fotki page where, if it mattered to them, they could look around and see my Treasure Coast Pride album that's still in the public folder.

Anyways, that's how I'm managing that.

It's past my bedtime (even with having passed out once I got home... my second nap of the day). Here are some of the photos from the festival, enjoy!:

Establishing Shots of the Melbourne Art Festival

My Friend Ernie
Cloggers! (and what a nice shirt down in front...)
A Wandering Wench and Me

Me and the Ladies

Shawne and Me
Melb Art Fest's first wet t-shirt contest?

My Fellow Misfits


2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

You "pass" because no gay man would wear those shorts and a white shirt with a screen print on it.

Cedric said...

But I was wearing pink flip-flops...