Thursday, April 26, 2007

RUN: Tuesday 6x600 and Thursday 8x200

I ran twice this week (so far!)... so that's good. I ran Tuesday night over at my friend Paul's. We did six 600s around his neighborhood. It was at night, so it was pretty cool and all. Nothing particularly note-worthy about the run except that it was nice. That was a good evening. I stopped by Publix on the way home and got a roasted chicken and portioned meals (saving money!).

Anyways, and tonight I ran at the park with the rest of the campers. It was my first time back in... three weeks? The usual suspects were there, and it was great to see them. I took some pictures. I was shooting about .500 tonight (half usable, half tossed), but that's pretty good. Oh, we did eight 200 (sort of easy)... I ran them in between 31 and 38-and-a-half. There was a Vietnam veterans gathering at the park, and some sort of carnival festival over by the BCC parking lot.

It was a nice day at work today... some down time, but I got all my work done for the most part. I'm going to be "in charge" of software integration and testing (i.e. pre-actual-testing)... so we'll see how that goes. On the way to practice I managed quite a number of errands: picking up a gift certificate to Downtown Produce for the guy who helped me with the SSL work, picking up my new cell phone from FedEx, and picking up my race packet for Saturday's Flamingo 5K. The string of events was pretty void of traffic even though it was supposedly-heavy traffic time, and it also took me on some small discovery roads (and I didn't get lost).

After practice, I came home, I prepared dinner while making numerous phone calls, then finished watching Shortbus while eating dinner (chicken and rice and snow peas). Now I'm enjoying a beer and about to take a shower before either calling it an early night or giving the supposed website-to-be another stab (bah!). :)

Okay, here are some of my favorite pictures from tonight. Enjoy!

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

sup with the 'fro?