Wednesday, May 30, 2007

RUN: ~3.5 miles @ ~28:00

It's been almost a week since I've run, and I felt it. Not so much on my legs as in my chest. Yes, the minimal exercization of my arms produced a cramp in my chest halfway through tonight's run. It's kind of sad, but sad-in-the-funny-way sad. Anyways, yeah, it's a late night run. I put in an extra couple hours at work so I can take off Friday (AM, and then make up the PM hrs next week) and head over to Orlando without any pressure/rush... maybe have lunch with my/the/a/bauh guy and visit the expo before meeting up with my friend Cori -- we're hitting the parks early Saturday... Disney's expecting to hit capacity by 10am. (I'm SO excited!)

I'll keep this entry short so I can take a shower and make it to bed by midnight. Woo!

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