Tuesday, June 19, 2007

HOUSE: A Refurb HI

Today after work, I came home and took on the task of re-working the curtain in my kitchen. I had previously used a sewing machine to make the sleeve for the pole, but it wasn't going to hold up for long -- the sewing machine was inexpensive, and I didn't know how to use it. Anyways, a co-worker told me about this adhesive iron-on tape that some people use as a substitute to traditional stitching. So I gave it a try, and I think it turned out well. Here are a couple pictures of me with the finished product...

and some pics of Stitch modeling the recent HI projects:
[NOTE: I also found out that the "Have a nice day at work" mirror is also a "Welcome back home from work" mirror! woo hoo! :)]

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