Thursday, October 18, 2007

RUN: 3 miles @25:47, Home <--> Murrell

Yeah, so, last night was the first time I've run in a week. I ran with patella strap and music and without water or (much) stretching. It wasn't a great run, and the last 1/2 mile was really felt heavy-legged and pained. My rt knee had an icing once I got home, and my mouth got some butter pecan ice cream.

Anyways, I'm just trying to get back into the habit. The Tower of Terror 13K is ten days away, and I want to be able to finish the 8.08 miles without any ugly-running.

I've been putting in a few extra hours at work (it's nice working when no one else is around), and my sleep patterns has been off. And I've got a TY package and a couple blog entries to assemble. No pressure. No stressing though -- "You are an attractive, intelligent, confident businesswoman!" (where's that from...)

Anyways, back to work.

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