Tuesday, November 06, 2007

RUN: 3 Miles @20:14, Home <--> WM+

Yesterday, after work, I went up to Cocoa for our monthly running club board meeting; I'm the club secretary, so I took the minutes. As the meeting went on and needs were spoken, other club members quickly came to the aid of others, giving commitments of time and energy for upcoming events.

Okay, so I know that I'm selfish with my time. If I had to analyze the reason why I don't take as much of an active role in these organizations is that I've been disillusioned from the breakup of numerous local GLBT organization attempts, how they've disbanded because of interpersonal cliques and riffs, and of weak leadership and skills management. The running club is different, in that the dedication and abilities of the officers/board members are there, but I still don't have that self-confidence, and I believe it rather more fitting to fall into the background. Granted, writing and distributing the meeting minutes is not a simple undertaking, but I keep hoping that it's enough. I do get positive reinforcement from the other officers (which I feel is even too much for my position -- how much positive reinforcement do they get on comparison?).

Well, if I've learned something from before, anything is better than nothing, so I know I shouldn't feel bad. I've been off for most of this season, only running races with my sister and not "racing". Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed fun running, but I've slacked with my personal training. The weather just turned cooler, and last night I didn't want to miss an opportunity, so once I got home from the meeting, I changed into my running gear (ugly shorts and bright vest) and headed out sans music.

I ran the first mile (to the side of WM) in 7:19, then the loop around the "shoppes" took another 6:25 (about a minute short of a mile), then the run home took me 6:30 (I really pushed the last mile). It was a nice run, but it being so late (9:00 PM), I lost my morning mentality and am back on schedule at work.

Here are the sweaty mirror pics:

before and after

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