Monday, December 17, 2007

RUN: 5.6 miles @??:??, Home <-LL-> Stadium/VHS (ccw)

Today, I ran after work. It was dark and really cold (maybe mid-50s?). I wore a long-sleeved tech, my bulldog sweat-hoodie, and a reflective vest. I went with the green shorts and ran with "music" (WWDTM).

I did the same loop as Saturday except backwards:

Sort of, but not really

I ran 50/50 concrete and asphalt, and took some stretch breaks during the first half, but when I reached Stadium Pkwy, I really felt some chafing starting on my left-inner thigh. It was a painful and awkward run back.

Anyways, when I was halfway through my subdivision, I notice a familiar free-roaming bichon frise surveying a neighbor's trash, so what did I do? What I normally would do...

I chased that bitch!

Eventually, it ran between two houses, and a front door opened with a lady calling for "Lizzie". Seriously?

I spared her a lecture, but I hope she knows that next time I see that dog out there without a leash, I'm chasing it to the roundabout.

Anyways, it was a good run even with the chafing (I managed a strong Asian Kick for the last tenth-mile). I just need to be writing thank you notes and holiday cards. Maybe tomorrow, Tonight I need to catch up on some rest.

Here's your s reflectively sweaty ceddy pics:

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