[not enough defined roads to capture a 'map'-version; and the route we ran was more-than-the-course because we kinda got lost in places.]
Anyways, this evening's fun run at the Brevard Zoo was the first of three leading up to the Dino Dash 3K on March 8th. The fun runs (and race) are managed by Running Zone, and there was a good number of people who showed up.We did an easy trial run of the course, which went behind the scenes and into the zoo.
I ran with Noah, a co-worker's son who has recently started racing. His enthusiasm is fantastic, and he's cool to run with. The course went through the Dinosaur exhibit, and there were a lot of dinosaurs (who roared!) to take pictures with.
By the end, all were happily endorphin-ized. This was truly a fun run.
I love themed running!     :)Anyways, here's an inappropriate car pic and a couple pics from the kitchen:

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