Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Flux in Crushes

I apologize for the lack of posts this past week. I attribute it to my general state of confusion with managing efforts/energies. I've been in a flux with crushes which has drained much of my motivations of accomplishing what I really should be accomplishing, which consists of the following:

  • lawn mowing (and the unsavory task of blade sharpening)
  • general house cleaning (my house is a mess)
  • planning of future weekends (races, disney, work, travel,...)
  • packing/preparing for next weekend's visit to my sister's (getting ready for the gays)
  • document creations/mods for the running club (how much to care)
  • again, getting over unrequited love (resisting my stalker tendancies)

The last point is being handled by an increased interest in drinking wine and rollerblading (at the same time... don't worry, it's all within the confines of my house... um... okay, maybe you should worry).

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