Tuesday, September 12, 2006

JOURNAL: work resolve but crawling

This afternoon I talked to my boss about my office situation (being on a separate hall as my teammates). He informed me that it's a matter that's up to higher-management and that his persistent requests have been met with greater resistance. So even though there's no resolution in near-sight, I'm just relieved that (1) I did express my frustration and (2) it hasn't gone unrecognized nor unempathized.

Since, the day has been moving at an absolute crawl. The past hour seemed like three, which can both be good and bad. I really like the time to investigate the code, but I'm really ready for the week to be over. My spirit is tired of the recent ups & downs.

I think that I do want to attend one of the running camps tonight, but I haven't decided whether to run at Doug's camp at the local Wickham park, or to drive up to Cocoa Beach for Rebecca's practice on the beach this evening. I may need to go on a long drive...

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