Thursday, September 14, 2006

RUN: 12x 330@1:05

The afternoon storm quickly cleared up, and apparently things here dry quickly, even when it's humid. Tonight we ran at Wickham Park. And our coach found out that the Brevard Parks and Recreation people want to charge him 30% of his camp fees for the use of the PUBLIC park. Total BS. That's what happens when government officials have too much time on their hands.

Anyways, we ran a 1/2 mile warm up then ran twelve 330 intervals at 1:10 pace with a 110yd recovery. Hyped by the fact that Weekend was here, I ended up averaging 1:05 (ran the last one at :52!). I cooled down with Mike and his wife Donna and totally got an invitation to run with them on Sundays, 7am. Yeah, I could be motivated.

I had my camera in the car, so I snapped a few pictures but not of any people (I'm working my way up to it). Here's one of some duck/geese/(?) in the parking lot:

When I pulled up to my house, I found waiting on my doorstep, the 6-slice-capable toaster oven I wooted last week:

6 SLICES! And it only cost $30. I heart woot.

Anyways, there was enough sun left to mow the lawn, so I friggin' mowed it. I earned my Disney this weekend. :) Now for some food and a beer. Prost!

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