Sunday, September 17, 2006

RUN: 4.1 miles @ 33:55 (Cocoa Beach, FL)

Circa 5pm, I ran the Minuteman Causeway from Coconuts on the Beach to the end of Tom Warriner Blvd. I had numerous walk/rest breaks, not because I was dehydrated, but because I was just out of shape and not quite motivated (no music with me). Still, I somehow managed an 8-minute pace. I don't think that it was really 4.1 miles... but that was what I was told, so I'm taking it.

Yeh, about 16 miles for the week!

After the run, I jumped into the strong arms of the Atlantic. Being in the ocean with lots of walking skin around you is so... humanizing. I didn't go into the water with my glasses so I was blind with the waves crashing on my back and over me. And I was just "there".

And I enjoyed the long drive home. I was dirty, and I didn't care!

Today wasn't really the Sunday I expected, but it was the best I could make of it, and I'm happy about that.

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