Monday, September 18, 2006

TOP 3: Week of September 11-17, 2006

1. TV (specifically, CSI and Nip/Tuck): the strongest feelings I had this week happened when I was watching these shows.

On two separate occaisions of watching CSI, I cried. I cried hard. Exactly what I needed. One was when the gorgeous Nick Stokes is in the hospital with the little girl he just saved. The other time was when Jim Brass was in the hospital experiencing a code blue while his daughter watches. They just do a great job.

As for Nip/Tuck, now that its creator's back in control, this season has been surprisingly intriguing, especially with the suggestion that Christian may be in love with Sean. And this show in particular has been really good at taking me out of reality, away from Melbourne.

2. Music (specifically, "Fall Aprt Again" by Brandi Carlile & "How To Save A Life" by The Fray): these two songs are gems. Both have a dark undertone of desperation and regret, and they each deal with a challenging relationship with a friend:

    "You fall apart again and you can find a friend
     Don't turn to someone else because they won't understand."

    "I would have stayed up with you all night
     Had I known how to save a life."

These songs got me to the point where I could cry. These songs were my enablers.

3. Exercise (specifically, running (and even more specifically, Doug's running camp)): there's no way that I couldn't've mentioned running camp. It's adding some structure to my otherwise "do whatever I want" sort of schedule and also it's giving me more exposure to other human beings. I need to work on that. But mostly, I'm looking at is as a source of confidence and motivation for the upcoming races -- the longer-distance races in particular. Sunday, I didn't feel the drive I was hoping for but when the day comes...

Well, that's about it. It had been a general type of week... a "stepping back and taking it all in" type of week. Hopefully this week will have more "specific" moments... quiet is good too.

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