Thursday, September 21, 2006

RUN: 12x440 @ 1:40 w/220 Jog Recovery

I don't mean to be bulimic... it's just that lately, it's been difficult to find the time/motivation to eat. I seriously put in less than 100 Calories yesterday, and though I did better today, I don't think it was quite enough.

For today, we were to run 12x440 at the same pace as we did our 2-mile time trial with a 220 jog in between. I was within 3 seconds of my goal pace but started with the walk breaks at #8. The heat really didn't help. I'm feeling pale and tingling around my brain.

Work's been... 11 1/2 hours yesterday, so I left 45 minutes early today (still put in my 9hrs because I got there on time and then worked through lunch -- though no one notices)... and I think it's my caring too much about my appearance at work that's driving me off the road. Even if I took tomorrow morning off, I have enough for overtime. (I don't want to think about money).

Anyways, asides from updates about Running and my weekly Top 3, I will be taking a short hiatus from blogging. I need some food.

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