Sunday, September 24, 2006

RUN: 9.3 miles @1:17:39


This morning I ran the Windover Farms 15k course from Wickham Park. I was planning on running with Mike, Donna, and John because they were the ones who originally tried to get me out there for the Sunday runs, but I didn't see them (hadn't contacted them to say that I was actually going to make it out there this morning).

So, I ended up running with Loran, Dave, Robin, and Greg, which turned out to be the best thing. We ran out WP, up Wickham, onto Post, into Windover, then out some other end... Turtle Mound... onto... ???... then to Parkway. I was glad to run a new, long course with people who knew what they were doing.

They are crazy-fun to run with. Robin is especially spirited. Loran's such the pro, and Dave's a motivator. And it was nice to meet Greg, someone else from Doug's camp.

My issue with the run was that my stomach/GI-system still hadn't gotten used to early morning runs, so I was particularly glad to make it back to the park facilities. (TMI? maybe for non-runners...).

Anyways, I'm really glad to have made it through. 9.3 miles! and in sub-9 pace. I'm going to get a season PR at the next race.

Robin introduced me to a numbing-spray for muscle aches. And that makes me feel more connected. The running community in Melbourne's so strong and enthusiastic, and that's one of the things that I've been missing/needing... enthusiastic people.

Anwyays, I was planning on putting in some hours at work, but I just drove back home, cooked some food, showered, and watched a lot of The Office (Commentaries and Deleted Scenes). I'm supposed to meet Emily for a movie at 4:30 this afternoon. And currently I'm debating on whether to put in those couple hours at work or to take a nap (feeling like I need it). Also, I feel like I should call Emily and try to see if she wants to do something more special than a movie. Maybe I could convince her to go car-riding with me...

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