Sunday, September 24, 2006

TOP 3: Week of September 18-24, 2006

It's hard to really get a view of the week when you haven't blogged Everything that happened (like previous times), but here I go:

1. 9.3 Miles @ 7am - It was just something I needed to know that I could do, plus loran, dave, robin, and greg's were awesome motivating running partners.

2. Work break with Chuck - After nearly an entire week of working through lunch, the time away from the desk felt good, plus his company was very much needed.

3. grey's anatomy season 3 premiere - I cried. Hard. So much. I really needed that release, and it's so reassuring to watch and relate to something.

Other notable events:
- baking bread pudding
- movie and dinner with emily (thanks for the gift! i do love march!)
- watching the bonus features of the office season 2 dvds
- male grooming products
- talking with em about office location

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