Tuesday, September 26, 2006

RUN: 5x (660 @2:30, 220 easy, 220 hard, 220 easy)

Tonight's run was interesting in that it happened during the one-hour window of non-rain this evening... at least for those who started promptly. I was finishing my last set when the thunderstorm started up again, and it was friggin pouring for my last 660. I was freaked out really thinking that I was somehow exhaling a cloud of iron particles that was going to attract the next bolt of lighting, and all I could see was the image of a hot dog cooking in a microwave for Way To Long (yeah... very bad image)...

but I made it to the car:

...and then drove my soggy ass home.

I finished watching Heroes, and it's now my #1 show (yeah, I'm putting it ahead of Grey's Anatomy at the moment... just feeling strongly about it. I'll probably put G'sA back on top after I watch it on Thursday, but at the moment, Heroes is ruling Monday night thru Thursday evening). Adrian Pasdar's friggin hot too... I'm a fool for those eyes and that voice.

Anyways, I can't believe that it's already almost 10pm. Frick. I guess that means House and Nip/Tuck will have to wait until tomorrow. It doesn't look like I'm going to get that open office, but anyways... as long as I'm well-fed, I'll make it through.

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