Sunday, October 08, 2006

RACE: Army Ten-Miler, Washington DC @ 1:20:27

[This entry is being written ATF.]

I flew up to a rainy Baltimore on Thursday night, and the next couple days were also very wet (and cold). Luckily, the weather Sunday morning was perfect.

This was my second time running the Army Ten-Miler, and Cindy and I met up again with her friend Dougie, and his friend John from Atlanta who also flew up specifically for this race.

As expected, security was tighter this year, and the race went off without a hitch - i.e. the race was actually 10 miles. This was the first time I used my 2006 Disney Marathon ChampionChip, and my official chip time was 1:20:27 (8:02 pace). And despite there being more eye-candy, I had to walk-run the last couple miles. I pushed the first 6 miles (at abotu a 7:30 pace) even though I knew I wasn't quite back into distance-racing shape, plus I'd been feeling exhausted from a congested throat I was nursing.

I wore my blue and black New Balance shoes, my SCR singlet, and a medium pair of aqua-slate racing shorts I bought at the expo the day before. I had a little water before the race, and had a qdoba steak taco salad, some five-guys fries, and some chili for dinner the night before. I had to make one bathroom stop around mile 7, and felt like I lost a lot of energy/motivation after that.

Still, it was a very good experience.

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