Thursday, October 19, 2006

RUN: 10x (440 @1:32 w/220 Jog(!) recovery)

I told myself that I wasn't going to blog tonight's run... or to blog tonight. Period.

But I just have to.

I had a nervous breakdown at work. Cried in front of my boss and co-workers and everything.

Shameful. (I know.)

I was very tired. There were so many factors that contributed to my eventual breakdown.

Cindy was able to keep be calm for the time that we talked, but the reality and frustration of it all set in and I totally teared up.

I left work around 3:00pm with a migraine ("") and talked to JoJo on the way home. He really put things into perspective and is such a thoughtful and caring person.

I cleaned up the front landscaping then wrote an apology email to my crush.

I ate food then instead of getting in that nap, I went to practice.

Dead tired, but I'm glad that I went.

Tonight we ran 10-12x 440 @ a goal pace with a 220 JOG recovery. My goal time was 1:27, but I knew that I wasn't going to hit that after going 5.5 hard yesterday. I ran the first couple without looking at my watch for splits. I was five and ten seconds over, respectively. I ran the next four at five-or-less seconds over, then I met up with Doug and Mike for the rest. They both went out faster than I did, but I started kicking it at @t 250m, and got in some 1:22s. For the last one, I wanted to try speeding it up towards the front but turned out that I tired at 200 and slow-ran the rest of the way (still a 1:32). Anyways, ran to and from WP with the younger John, and it was cool. I'm managing my straight crushes better... now, I just have to be more tactful with my gay(&partnered) crushes.


I'm going to sleep by midnight tonight. Not enough, but better than getting only five hours.

Tomorrow can't be as bad as today. I just hope that it's not too awkward.

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