Tuesday, October 31, 2006

RUN: 4x 1 mile @6:47

Tonight we ran at the BCC parking lot. I got there a minute after 6pm, and just took off with Greg and a new-to-the-camp Jamie who has a very cool ghetto-Swedish-but-supposedly-Wisconsin accent. We ran 4x 1mile with 3 minutes rest in between. Our pace was very even all throughout (1:45/quarter) -- I kicked the last 220 of each, ending up with 6:45, 6:49, 6:47, and 6:47. Greg and I cooled down with an easy mile, and that was practice... so 5 miles for me tonight.

Got home... too hungry and tired to pass out Ramen noodles to trick-or-treaters. Instead I made kabobs on the George Foreman and congee from leftover rice... so there's early-lunch and late-lunch for tomorrow.

Anyways, work was lack-luster but that's probably what I needed. It's only Tuesday and felt like Wednesday... plenty of time to feel ______... tomorrow's going to be busy with physical therapy and a visit to Orlando. Thursday's a department meeting off campus, running practice, and Gay Skate! Friday's not-much-planned... very welcomed.

Okay, shower then bed... really need to call it an early night.

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