Tuesday, October 10, 2006

RUN: 5x (1/2 mile @ 3:05 w/1 min rest)

I got off of work an hour early to head home and finish my run before showering and heading back out to the King Center to see Kathy Griffin! Granted this means that I now have five hours to make up before noon on what I hope to still be an off-Friday (AP/DVC Preview weekend for the new Finding Nemo ride at The Seas over in Epcot!).

Anyways, it was bright and sunny... 4:30pm on a clear, hot, dry day. I just ran Lake Andrew from Trafford to the Royal Palm right before the roundabout... I hit them at about the goal time of 3:05, but it was far from easy. I felt like I couldn't lift my legs, I felt like my thighs were obstructing each other, and I felt heavy -- I'm consistently over a buck-fifty.

Work was... manageable. After a rough yesterday, I went in with a mantra of "Let's see how invisible I can be..." -- meaning, let's not go looking for drama. And sure enough, it's when you're not looking that you end up getting more "recognition"... (as in attention in this case, not praise). I took it easy today in order to get back on track... at least it was more... consistent.

Anyways, gotta jump in the shower, then I'm off and out until perhaps 11am. No worries, it's just Nip/Tuck tonight.

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