Sunday, October 29, 2006

RUN: 7 1/2 miles, Wickham Park

The extra hour of sleep was so nice... I could have used a couple more, but the endorphins from running this morning is a good substitute -- did only 7 1/2 mile today because we ran the trails (3 mile loop), then tried running it backwards and got lost (2 mile loop), then ran a non-trail loop (1 1/2 mile), and a shortened non-trail loop (1 mile).

I ran with Paul again. The best way I can describe how he looks is as Clive Owen meets Nicolas Cage... that's very accurate actually. I like listening to his voice (which is also a Owen-Cage mix).

I was friggin' cold, but nice and sunny. Got all sweaty and had to change shirts. Also had to spray my knees with StoPain... the "horse tranquilizer"... the joys of getting older.

I took my meds straight from the trunk of my car, and I think that's helping me focus and keeping motivation this morning. I rewarded myself (for waking up early and running) with a visit to Krispy Kreme. And now I'm at work. I'm putting in about four hours, heading home, showering, then heading out to help pack some race packets.

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