Saturday, October 28, 2006

RACE: Creaky Bones Dash 5K @21:30

This morning's run went...well. It was more fun hanging out with people than running the actual race. I was... let's just say that I was hurting, and wasn't 100%, but in a way it helped because it kept me from running out too quickly. I got to Mile 1 at 6:49. Mile 2 was at 14:05. Then with the kick, I finished in 21:30. I'm happy with that because I was just hoping for sub-22. I took water at both opportunities, and I also never got passed. I barely missed placing in my age group, but Steve did get 2nd overall, and I don't know where John was (and he would have been up there). So, I'm pleased with the race. Next time I'll going sub-21:30.

Afterwards, I hung out with David, Paul, and Garrett. And it was cool seeing everyone else: Sue&boyfriend, Kara, Blanche, Elizabeth, Jen, Linda&Pat, Mary, Suzie, Patti, Steve&Kelly, Kyle, Marty, Carol, Loran, Michelle, Jim, Matt&Joan, Art, Doug, Tracy, Tammy,... omg, these races are like my version of my little sister's visits to Clemson.

So it was a lot of fun in the hanging out sense, and the actual racing's the necessary... um, evil. Naw, racing isn't that bad... I'm just "complaining" because I'm still getting used to running even splits/more conservatively (friggin' mind games). Anyways, endorphins...

Now, time for food, shower, and some catch-up sleep.

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