Thursday, November 02, 2006

RUN: 10x 330 @1:05 w/220 easy recovery

It's getting dark really quickly now. Tonight we were back in the BCC parking lot. Tonight, I ran with Paul and Jamie. Paul's fun to run with. He was talking about how he unintentionally elbowed someone at the finish line during Creaky Bones. Jamie was talking about when she went to Running Zone to pick up her Fall Into Winter award, only to find out that she also won a gift certificate (shut up!). My running partners are funny.

We ran ten 330s @1:05 with 220 rest (~2:10). We were pretty steady. It's consistency and getting into that natural rhythm and pacing. It really does feel like the holidays... there's fewer people out there, but it's s'alright. It was nice and cool with little to no wind. I ran them without socks because I couldn't find any in the car (ended up being in the passenger-side chair) and my right leg/shin was still feeling it from running those miles on Tuesday without stretching. We kind of learned our lesson: we were sure to do a 1/2 mile warm-up and cool-down... so 3 1/2 miles tonight (yeah, it seems so low after a lot of 5-6 mile practices). Time did pass by quickly.

Anyways, really Really got to go to bed. I only have to be at work by 10, and I'm good (2 1/2 hours ahead of time... no time to go for overtime, plus I'm about to be burned out). So, g'night.

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