Wednesday, January 31, 2007

RUN: (yesterday) 4 miles @ 28:53

Last night after leaving work a bit late, I dropped off clothes/videos/etc to Goodwill and also bought a mirror there for the office (my office-mate was not surprised this morning). I got to the BCC PL when most of the people were coming back, so I took off for the 4 miles at supposedly 6:40/mile pace (i.e. faster than my latest 5k pace). I ran the loop around Wickham Park, and from the first step on the sidewalk, I knew I had to pee, but I ended up not stopping. I managed about a 7:15 pace overall. It was cold outside, and I was wearing a sweatshirt in addition to the normal running attire, and I was just thankful that I was even out there running, so yay.

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