Tuesday, February 27, 2007

JOURNAL: CAT-A-BLOG coming soon

My friend Chuck will be going on a month-long field assignment and has entrusted yours truly with the keys to the kingdom where lives his two most precious things in the world lives: Nala and Stinkypants, his two cats.

I'll feel good because I'm helping out a friend and because it'll be a much-needed (and much-appreciated) change of scenery... any excuse to get out of my house.

Bring in the mail, check their food, water, and litter box (three separate things), then some reading or perhaps a Disney movie. So-called "chores" are much more fun when done at someone else's house.

I know that there are those avid readers of this blog who are dog-partial -- but let me reassure you that my caring for the cats takes nothing away from my love for my favorite nephews in the world.

Think of the upcoming Cat-A-Blog entries as a companion project to the Bullog. You can look forward to pussy-updates and pictures starting next week.

I'm excited. I have a couple kitties to care for. Low maintenance... a good start, a good first-step towards living with other warm bodies.


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