Friday, July 20, 2007

EVENT: July Woot-Off

My weekend started yesterday (Thursday) with a Woot-Off that continued into today (Friday). If you don't know what Woot is or what a Woot-Off is, check out its entry at wikipedia.

Anyways, having accomplished much all that I've wanted to do today , I sat myself in front of the computer, and I've been here ever since, watching Sex and the City on the tv beside my desk (now done with Season 4). So I was there to catch the end of this month's W-O. Before, they offered the much coveted Bags of Crap, Woot Monkeys, or Woot Monkey T-Shirts, but this month, they offered this:

I wasn't exactly sure if I needed to buy a $10 t-shirt, but I figured that one day it'll be a collector's item (umm... in nerd-world). No, really... I just wanted to come home one day to be surprised by a package lying by my front door.

Yeah, so I went to and bought one (1) medium. A couple minutes later the shirt sold out!:

They were only giving away 500 shirts, and I got one! (I rule!)

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