Sunday, September 23, 2007

RUN: 8 1/2 miles @1:15:00-, Orlando loopx2

This morning I ran/walked 8 1/2 miles. I did my friend's 4-mile loop twice. I started around 7:15am, and carried a cotton shirt and a small bottle of vitamin water. My legs were stiff and it didn't stay cool for long. I ran ugly, but I ran. I've been slacking lately because of knee concerns, but I'm going to be stubborn and pick it up. I could also do more with the push-ups.

It's going to be an entire month since my last Disney trip, and I'm going to have to forego the Epcot re-dedication celebrations. I miss having that safe-haven as far as something that can keep me occupied.

Anyways, gotta get a start on the rest of the day. Push-ups!

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