Sunday, February 10, 2008

GAY: Ikea and ArtsFest with Chuck

Yesterday (Saturday), Chuck and I went to Orlando for what was probably the gayest (I mean "most cultural") day he's had in a long time.

First we went to Ikea, where we had breakfast (free coffee!).Then we went shopping where Chuck was fascinated by the Ikea animals and characters.

After that, we headed to Lock Haven Park in town for the Orlando Gay Chorus' ArtsFest performance at the Orlando Museum of Art -- they performed a few songs including a couple from their upcoming "Diva by Diva" show.Then we drove around and around until we found the Dr. Phillips Center for Performing Arts, where we met up with David and Bruce for an exhibition by the Orlando Ballet.Next, the four of us headed over to Pom Pom's TeaHouse for some food -- Asian Yellow Curry Chicken Salad on pumpernickel, side of Peanut Noodle, and the Tea-of-the-Day (Raspberry Hibiscus)... YUM!.Chuck and I then headed over to meet Pom and Papa, and to play with MuShu, who was SO energetic and happy to see us (LINK: more MuShu pics).
Anyways, we headed home after that because we both had to get in more running... trying to keep normal and to schedule.
Ikea, art museum, gay chorus, gay friends, ballet, gay teahouse... It's been a really gay (I mean "cultural") day.

Thanks Chuck! :)

1 comment(s):

Poker and Euchre said...

Where's the Peaches pic?