Friday, February 01, 2008

JOURNAL: I hear your pain

Dear Cindy,
I too have a sucky neighbor (backyard, caddy-corner) who has a "needs to shut the hell up" dog. It would be a long walk to go over and ring their doorbell, but asides from that, I already heard horror stories of how much of a bitch those people are. And although I'm in a "bring it on bitch" fightin' mood, I really don't need the extra agitation. So instead, I pulled out the garden hose and was about to spray it down then decided to just shine a flashlight in that direction -- as a "what the hell's going on there?"/"you better watch your back(yard)!" gesture. That seemed to shut the dog up for now.

Next time I'll use the hose.
~Your Tired Brother.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

flashlight? I like it.

Ice cubes, man. And a great pitching arm.

Or bullhorn siren. I can be louder than you.