Friday, February 15, 2008

RUN: 3 miles @??:??, MOM's<-->AnMed, Anderson, SC

[The 'satellite'-version just makes more sense here, but if you must, click HERE for the 'map'-version]

While visiting MOM, I managed to get out for a late night run (9pm-ish). It was colder and hilly(er) than expected, and my starting-off-too-quickly just made the rest of the run sort-of treacherous. Still, I managed to run a cute pattern around the outpatient medical campus by the neighborhood.

I was hoping to run once-a-day while up there, but there was not enough time and too much eating for that to happen (I weighed myself -- over 160! blegh!...oops).

Here is the "South Carolina"-edition of the sweaty ceddy pics:

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