Thursday, February 21, 2008

TOASTMASTERS: Engineering Week Table

Today at work, we celebrated Engineering Week. There was free food (free food!), and there were a couple tents with exhibits from work project groups and from outside vendors.

Our Toastmasters club had a booth:

Dan wants to shake your hand
Aside from free handshakes, we handed out some goodies: free mini Rubik cube keychains (great people-magnets!) and free issues of the Toastmaster magazine (not so much...).

Sometimes we had to try a little harder to attract people:

I saw my friend Mario, who everyday tries to help me with my French (I have a hard-enough time understanding his heavily-accented English... ha!):

Anyways, after more members came to man the booth, I wandered around gathering free stuff -- a pad of paper, a pen, and a lime-green tote bag (w00t!).

Then I grabbed some free lunch and waited for the raffle with my friend Nga. Neither of us won (we each missed a prize by one number!). Instead, the person who won was...

The free food whole event was a morale-booster. And tomorrow, Toastmasters will be hosting a lunchtime seminar, and I'll be there for more free food to support my fellow club members.

:) Yay!

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