Sunday, July 13, 2008

RUN: 4.56 miles @xx:xx, Suntree Lib<-->Suntree Loop

[Click HERE for the Hybrid-version.]

I ran again!

This time I revisited the Suntree Library Loop. Out on errands, I planned the run seeing clouds overhead. I was thinking that my timing was bad but still decided to run and also to run with music (APM: Weekend America).

I ran the loop clockwise, looking forward to long golden stretches, but what I first found were seemingly innocuous paths that led to many impossible-to-see patches of gnats and other small flying insects. Granted, I wasn't running very fast (maybe 8:45 pace), my face quickly felt like a windshield and I was getting bugz in ma grillz. It was bad. By mile 2 1/2 (Inverness) the bugs were gone. There were traces of tiny raindrops that probably convinced the clouds of gnats to disband.

I ran slow but pretty much ran it without stopping, and I even sprinted the last stretch back to the library -- I felt my shoulders fill up when I pumped my arms. My legs were still a bit heavy, but I didn't get the sense that I was "ugly running". So that was good.

It'll still be a few weeks before I'm feeling better with the running. Hopefully it'll be in time for the Annapolis Ten-Miler at the end of next month.

Anyways, here's the sweaty jumpy ceddy pics for this run:

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Guess what we're doing before the Annapolis 10-miler...


Cedric said...