I just found OutSports.com's 2008 Olympic Blog and was just catching up and came across an article at Popnography with the funniest blurb.Photo: Getty Images
> After making a spirited defense that Men's Synchro diving is not super gay, the Chinese men's springboard team proved us wrong by totally fagging out after winning the 10m event yesterday. Lin Yue and Huo Liang, seen above, got emotional after nabbing the gold and, well, you have eyes, don't you? We were all ready to defend the cutaways to the divers in the shower (the water keeps them warm!) and make another stab at selling you on the sport of it all, but while we support hot dudes in Speedos holding each other in any context, we're not going to insult you by trying to say it isn't anything other than super-duper gay with sprinkles on top.Ha!
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