Friday, October 03, 2008

VIDEO: Rachel Ray's Corn Porn

OMG, this is so inappropriate... then there's the slow-mo with music...

Here are some comments people left:

"Whoa... Orville Redenbacher couldn't even get corn THAT hot"

"Ahh, shucks"

"There is party in my mouth and everyone is vomiting."

"Reminds me of prom night."

"So that's how you get Cream of Corn."

"Did you also notice the corn get bigger?"

"How does she know when to stop?"
(to which someone replied)
"When it *pops* ?"

"i need a cigarette..."
(to which someone replied)
"i need a sock lmao!!!"

"Her husband doesn't do it well and it always end up in her teeth. lol very cute."

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

did they cross swords? Yes! Yes they did!