Monday, September 11, 2006

JOURNAL: Where am I?

Post-Mid-MidLife-Crisis Crisis indeed.

I'm at a lost of mind. Who am I? Who are my friends? What am I doing? What am I doing? How have I gotten so out of shape? Will there ever be any hope for the future?

I need someone to reassure me of my sanity or at least the little sanity that I do have.

Spread too thin and sans direction. Restless and under-motivated. A man on his own island amid the sea of Melbourne.

It's hard enough managing sleeping, eating, and exercise... but factor in the self-inflicted pressures of over-obligation to work and friends...

If there was rehab for this sort of thing, I'm sure that I'd check myself in.

I just had to get that out. I'm hoping for fortunes to change this week.

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