Thursday, December 06, 2007

RUN: ~3.5 miles @~27:xx, Palm Bay Fun Run

Tuesday night (12/04/07) I drove down to Palm Bay for their weekly fun run. Nowadays it's pitch dark at 6:30p - it feels weird. Anyways, this week, there were five of us: Dave, Robin, their friend Olga, her son John, and me.

Robin didn't run, but the rest of did and ran from the PB Community Center to the Circle K beside the Harris PB Campus. For the first half, I kept up with Dave and John. On the way back, we passed Olga, and I turned around to jog back with her - I couldn't imagine letting her run alone there this late at night... plus I needed an excuse to run slower... I was getting tight... yeah, after 1 1/2 miles (I don't know how I'm going to get through 26.2 in about a month!).

Anyways, this entry is just for record. I've been slacking as is with actual runs. I'll try to make it out tomorrow morning (it's our Off-Friday). If so, I'll reward myself with RaceTrac coffee (it'd be my 4th of the week!). Okay, turning in early tonight.

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