Sunday, February 24, 2008

JOURNAL: Watching the Oscars Without a TV

Not so much "Without a TV" as "Without a TV with ABC".

[Just a quick note before bed.]

Yeah, so yay to all the winners. I would've liked Amy Ryan win for Best Supporting Actress but I'm definitely not bummed about Tilda Swinton. I like her, and she was the best thing about Michael Clayton.

All 5 Best Picture nominees took home at least one award, and surprisingly (or not) The Bourne Ultimatum went three-for-three, and La Vie En Rose picked up two of the three it was nominated for.

As mentioned, I didn't "watch" the show. What happened was that one of my sisters called me then put her cell phone by the TV. So I was able to listen to John Stewart's opening monologue (ha!). Then later on, I followed the results online at and but still txt my sis for other updates and to critique what people were wearing (why, Daniel, why?!).

Anyways, this was my first time I haven't watched the ceremony since the English Patient won Best Pic (omg, 1997), but I still had fun sitting on my ass in front of the computer all night long. Time to brush teeth and get back on the cot.

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