Monday, June 08, 2009

GYM: Next Step Volleyball

[no sweaty picture today. sorry.]

it was a busy day: a full day at work, followed by some traffic on the way up to cocoa for a running club board meeting, followed by a quick stop at home to get changed for the gym. i got to volleyball halfway through, and had another good time playing -- i was a bit more flamey-expressive, but i was served well. it was another niiice night, and at the end of it, a group of us hung out in the parking lot and gathered contact info for possible satellite volleyball sessions -- we were taking that next step. next thing you know, we'll be hanging out at someone's house. (dinner party at my place?)

I have pictures and reports from Gay Days entries to post, I also have a lawn to mow, a house to clean, and a car to vacuum. I have some weekends to plan, pictures to print, travel arrangements to adjust. And for work, I have a system to set up, documentation and tests to write, and a speech to put together. It's going to be a busy time, and it's just going to take me putting one foot in front of the other, and knowing where priorities are. It'll be good. Anyways, shower and bed time.


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